ボートEN 11:40 ボートEX 12:15
DiveTime 35min
MAX 7.0m
透明度 10m
うねり なし
流れ なし
波 なし
ボートEN 12:34 ボートEX 13:03
DiveTime 29min
MAX 5.4m
透明度 10m
うねり なし
流れ なし
波 なし

In fact,diving the first time didn't fell so uncommon than as Iexpected-the most strange thing is that good swimming ability seems to disfurs more often than to help.And it's really not easy to fet a meatral buoyance.In conclusion time seems to travel faster duting diving,I never felt boring or cold-just interested and fascinated about the enviroument and how to move in it,
Hope to do it more often in future! by Ive